Tiptoe Primary

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Welcome to Koala Class



  Our fabulous Koala Class team :










Miss Renyard, Miss Wall, Mrs Sutherland, Mrs Moody, Mrs Carter, Mrs Figueira, Mr Burden, Mrs James, Miss Burns, Miss Roberts and Miss Kelly



In Koala Class we are kind, caring and compassionate. We are also:






Click on one of the links to find out more about Koala Class:

Curriculum Newsletter Class Timetable 

What to bring to Koala ClassReading in Koalas

Reading List 1Reading List 2 Reading List 3


Common Exception Words List 1Common Exception Words List 2 

SPAG Glossary List 1     SPAG Glossary List 2

MathsEnglishHomeworkMini Trips

CyclingForest School   Relaxation Tips




We like to join in with lots of whole school activities where we can meet our friends from other classes. Here are some of the many things we take part in:


  • Assemblies
  • Clubs
  • Year group trips
  • Team events
  • Sports Day
  • School Council
  • KS2 productions
  • KS2 Leavers party
  • KS2 residential
  • Themed days and celebrations
  • Birthday cake days!


Our curriculum is bespoke to meet our individual needs, however sometimes we also join our friends in other classes to participate in lessons that we particularly enjoy and excel at such as Art, Music, PE and Science. 


Our Photo Gallery

