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Science at Tiptoe
At Tiptoe Primary we want Science to be fun, meaningful and memorable. We want our pupils to be ready for every next step in their own journey.
Science is the study of nature, the world around us and how and why things work and happen.
For Science to be meaningful, it is about our pupils developing and building a range of skills. It is about predicting, measuring and testing, finding rules, testing fairly and challenging ideas. Science is about working scientifically whilst always being safe but curious.
At Tiptoe, Science is taught in units of work which cover all age appropriate areas of biology, chemistry and physics. We carefully plan and sequence our Science in line with ‘Hampshire Key Ideas’ and ‘Learning Journeys’. Scientific ideas are divided into two types: scientific concepts (key ideas) and ideas that underpin scientific enquiry (working scientifically), they are however inextricably linked. This enables our children to build on what they know and for them to take forward specific vocabulary and powerful knowledge to each next step of their learning.
From the start in EYFS, children learn to explore, to collaborate and to ask questions, questions that need answers. In EYFS children learn through exploration and discovery. They are able to test, be hands on, to question and to make statements about their discoveries. These foundation skills then build nicely into the KS1 curriculum where children then begin to follow the Hampshire Key Ideas.
Skills learnt and gathered from EYFS transfer into a solid foundation to allow their curiosity and wonder to continue. In KS1 children will experience a more formal approach. Children will be encouraged to ask and be asked questions, to plan investigations, to explore, collaborate, test and record in a variety of ways. They will observe and make conclusions. Children will be introduced to a variety of equipment and will understand that safety is paramount.
As children move into KS2 they will continue to develop enquiry skills and will build upon previous knowledge, gaining accuracy and understanding of variables. Science allows the children to be curious, to question, to explore – skills fundamental for teenage years and adulthood.
By the time children leave Tiptoe we want them to be knowledgeable scientists who work well as a team, who continue to ask questions but who are willing to use their knowledge and skills to find answers. Discussion shows that children enjoy science, they talk about their experiences with enthusiasm. Pupils are engaged and interested in lessons and are excited on planned whole school science days, visits and when visitors come to school. Children are safe but allowed to explore. Prior knowledge is tested at the start of lessons, knowledge is retained and built upon. Evidence in books and data collection show the children’s enjoyment and enthusiasm for Science.
SPIRITUAL – Science is using evidence to make sense of the world. It has the ability to make us feel both enormously insignificant (compared to the scale of the visible universe) and enormously significant (we are genetically unique). It helps us understand our relationship with the world around us (how the physical world behaves, the interdependence of all living things). Making new discoveries increases our sense of awe and wonder at the complexities and elegance of the natural world. For scientists, this is a spiritual experience and drives us onwards in our search for understanding.
MORAL – Whether it’s the ethics behind certain medical treatments, the environmental impact of industry, or how government funding is allocated to scientific projects; moral decisions are an important aspect of Science. Scientific discoveries and inventions need to be used responsibly, and decisions made based on evidence (not prejudice). As teachers, we encourage pupils to be both open minded (generating a hypothesis) and critical (demanding evidence) and to use their understanding of the world around them in a positive manner.
SOCIAL – Scientists are collaborators. Sharing ideas, data, and results (for further testing and development by others) is a key principle of the scientific method. We encourage pupils to work together on scientific investigations and to share results (to improve reliability). Science has a major impact on the quality of our lives. In Science lessons, pupils consider the social impact (both positive and negative) of science and technology.
CULTURAL – Science permeates modern culture, and has played a key part in developing it. It is (both currently and historically) an international activity. In Science lessons, we explore and celebrate research and developments that take place in many different cultures, both past and present. We explore how scientific discoveries have shaped the, beliefs, cultures and politics of the modern world.
Specific examples of Spiritual, Moral Social and Cultural Develop in Science include:
- Studying and discussing the impact on human beings on the environment, the problems created by industry and possible solutions.
- Investigating the impact of significant scientists from around the world.
- Debating and discussing ethical issues in science such as cloning, genetic modification, nuclear power, climate change.
- Studying the scientific method and how scientists collaborate to share and test ideas.